Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

It’s Halloween, the time of the year when those miniature candy bars beckon and pretend to be low calorie. They are if you compare them to the full size version and eat ONLY one. Yeah, like I can really eat only one of anything I like. So I’ll exercise for 30 minutes and then eat candy.
My children seem to have inherited my sweet tooth. One son liked the spooky decorations and now has a secret candy drawer. The other was not big on all the Halloween
costumes and stuff, but never passed up a bag of candy corn. I have finally (after all these years) captured a glimpse of his love of Halloween candy corn.
This year I made spicy caramel popcorn using Martha Stewart’s recipe. It was a big hit so I put the recipe behind the photo on the scrapbook page. Also on the Making Memories paper are Dress It Up Halloween buttons with the shanks cut off, an accordion booklet sticker, a Making Memories epoxy button, and a painted Deja Views cardstock letter. I have another idea for a Halloween pirate page and I’ll try to finish it before I pack away the Halloween craft stuff. Try to make at least one Halloween scrapbook page before moving on to Thanksgiving layouts. It’s a fun time of the year to remember with photos and journaling.


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