Sunday, August 3, 2008

Inside View

I was very happy to see Joy on the 'Joy of Crafting' ( 6:30 pm Sundays on OC16)demonstrating how to make a felted project using the wool roving. The turtle she made was so-o-o cute! I first saw felted projects appearing in craft magazines about two years ago and while in Japan I saw some amazing felted items and felting kits. Because Clover was a company that we already purchased other supplies from, our contacts made it possible to bring in the felting supplies. The projects you can make are only limited by your imagination. I hope that you will try this fun and easy craft.
Pictured here (click on photo to enlarge) is an inside view of the mini scrapbook suitcase that I wrote about previously. Yes, I'll get around to writing up the instructions for it and put it on the website as an August project.....soon, I promise ;D

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