Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tiny Flowers

I was not sure what I would use a tiny flower paper punch for when I bought it, but I knew I needed it. The punch is like a regular hand grip paper punch that you use to make holes, but this one punches out very tiny flowers. (There are also punches for tiny stars and tiny hearts.) At first I thought that I would make flower confetti and put it into a shaker card. In the end, I found it to be a very useful tool to use up every scrap of origami paper that was leftover from a thank you card. The card used a tiny fan (with flower) arigato (Japanese for 'thank you') Dandelion rubber stamp. I like the Dandelion brand of rubber stamps because they are tiny, locally themed, and inexpensive, which make them perfect for backgrounds or small spaces. The tiny punched out flowers were the perfect embellishment to add more coordinating color to the card and matched the Dandelion rubber stamp, too. (Photo to be posted soon...I hope.)

Right now I am trying to create a piece of jewelry to honor the Beijing Olympic games. Are you fixated on the Olympic games too? So far I think I will use some vintage Asian fabric to make some beads and incorperate them with some metal rings into a necklace design. If anything interesting results from my experimentation, I'll post a photo (after my camera returns).

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