Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today is my oldest son's birthday so I thought it would be appropriate to show you the card/scrapbook page that I sent him. I have trouble keeping my scrapbook current (I'm actually years behind.....a decade in the case of some photos) so a few years ago I started making combination scrapbook pages and greeting cards for my family. I work in an 8"x 8" format because that seems just big enough to fit my sentiments and a photo or two of the event.
This cupcake card/page was inspired by the popularity of the cupcake as the fashionable dessert of the past year. (There are now even whole stores devoted entirely to cupcakes in a never-ending array of flavors.) The cupcake shape is an easy one to draw and cut apart to use as a pattern on a photo. Hold the photo and pattern piece in front of a window or lamp to trace the shape. It is hard to see but the white background paper used on this card/page is textured with swirls just like the colorful swirls punched out of scrap paper. If you can't find embossed paper you can make it yourself with an embossing tool and stencil or a texture plate in a Big Boss machine. Journaling was done sideways on the cupcake liner and gives the impression of fold lines. Glitter glue, star sequins, a word button, and birthday ribbon all help to add texture and color to this lovingly made greeting. Happy Birthday Sweetie! (Notice that some words and faces were blurred to protect your privacy.)

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