Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sweet Frosting

It's the frosting on the (cup)cake when someone (like Kristen) likes my projects enough to use the ideas in her own work. Crafters inspiring other crafters is how our work will evolve. One of my art teachers told me that even the masters looked to past art for inspiration. Anyone reading this blog is welcome to the ideas and I hope that you will show me your work too.
The following is the frosting recipe I used for the gigantic cupcake. I reduced the recipe so that it makes just enough for the cupcake. I think it tastes better than the can frosting.

Buttercream Frosting

1/2 cup milk...........2-1/2T. flour
1/2 cup butter........1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla

Cook milk and flour in a saucepan over low heat until it thickens. Cool the mixture completely. Beat butter and sugar in a bowl. Add the cooled flour misture and stir until smooth. Add the vanilla.

These photos here are a preview of one of the Valentine cards that will be a project in the online newsletter.........coming soon!

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