Monday, March 16, 2009

40% Off Coupon Shopping and ChoosingContest Winners

Did you enjoy shopping with your 40% off coupon this weekend? What did you buy? Of course I bought more than the one coupon item. I found wonderful Beadalon silver and gold plated links in a variety of shapes along with packages of connectors to turn those links into fashionable jewelry. I'll make projects for the website with these items as soon as I finish the Easter goodie mini-basket. I also found some new gemstone pendants by Imagine It. The labodorite (with blue and gold flashes) large teardrop bead is spectacular and I can't wait to create something with it.
In thirty minutes the Craft Green and Win Green contest will end and tomorrow I will announce the winners of the gift certificates. I hope that you took the time to enter and will check back to this blog or our craft club website to see if you won. For our first online contest we were pleased with the quality of the entries and surprised that most of the contestants entered photos of their work digitally. It truly is becoming a computerized world and we are proud that our company is making an effort to keep up with the changes.

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