Thursday, August 6, 2009

It started with pretty wrapping paper........

(click on photo to enlarge)

Like most crafters, when someone gives me a gift wrappped in pretty paper I never throw it away. Usually I save the wrapping to wrap another gift but sometimes the paper has too many creases and worn spots where the tape was. I started thinking that I would cut pieces of the lavender paper with gold and silver threads and make a splendid thank you card to give to the person who gave me the gorgeously wrapped gift. The paper looked like butterfly wings so I started looking in my bin of butterfly and garden things. I discovered an old rubber stamp of a fairy with butterflies and thought that it might be just the image I needed. I colored with markers and watercolor pencils until I got the effect I wanted. I colored and glittered another butterfly rubber stamp image to layer a prettier butterfly over the first one. I used foam dots to raise the images off the card. Ribbon (from the gift) and mini artificial flowers added more dimension. By setting the image on different colored blank cards and using different textured elements (hand marbled tissue on one and woven sisal on the other) I was able to give the similar cards individual appearances. In the end I didn't use the gift wrapping paper on the card but used it to line the envelope. I think lining envelopes gives elegance to handmade cards and careful tracing of the envelope makes it possible to make use of even less-than-perfect paper (just hide the flaws inside the envelope). Reusing gift paper and ribbon is one more way to Craft Green! Thanks for visiting this site. See you again.....soon!

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