Friday, October 23, 2009

Starting Blog Candy Giveaway

As promised, today begins the Ben Franklin Crafts blog candy giveaway! I'm so excited to see the response. So how does it work? It's easy. All you do is leave me a comment on THIS blog post telling me what made you initially start visiting Lynn's Craft Blog (a friend told you about it, you saw it listed on another blog, you heard about the blog candy, etc.). On Thursday, Oct. 29, 2009 at midnight, the contest will end and all the comments will be placed in a box. One will be selected and the winner of the blog candy will be announced on Halloween. If there are too many entries, I will use a random number generator to select the winner. The winner will have a week to send me an e-mail telling me their name and address so I can send them their prize. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that besides the embellishments, blank note card set, and clear stamps, the blog candy includes a $25 gift card to Ben Franklin Crafts. Okay, enter now and tell your friends too. If we get a fantastic response, we'll do more blog candy giveaways.


  1. Fabulous Blog Candy Lynn! i've been a faithful follower of the BFC club website (of course had to check out the coupons and craft projects)... then i've been a faithful follower once your blog was featured on the site... and then in June of this year, you inspired me to start blogging too... and here i am today... YAY! LOL... thanks for the chance at your blog card! Have a great weekend! hugs, Kris

  2. I always watch the Joy of Crafting on OC16 on Sundays and look forward to your cute projects. I heard about your blog on a recent airing on the show. Love your cute ideas!

  3. I just happened upon your blog thru another blog, Life is Sweet. I am blogless, but I totally enjoy surfing blogs. I truly get inspired by all the creative ideas that many of you crafters are kind enough to share. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be brave enough to start my own blog! LOL!

  4. Hi Lynn,
    Wow! Great blog candy!!! I started coming here when I first saw the link on the BFS site. So glad that you started a blog and showing all your crafts.

  5. Hi Lynn, I found out about your blog when you left a nice comment on my blog...I clicked on your name and that led me to your blog!!! So glad I found you...and then later got to meet you!!!

  6. Great blog candy. I would love to win it. I have been reading your blog since I discovered it on the Ben Franklin website. I really enjoy seeing all the different craft projects you do.

  7. Aloha...I love crafting. Always been a crafter. If I could do it full-time, I would. I heard about this through a friend that always promotes this site...


  8. hi! got to your blog via glad i stumbled upon your blog. much aloha!
