Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Christmas Trees

Just about this time every year I start to get depressed about all the work I still need to do to prepare for the holiday season. Sometimes I think I'll just run away. Maybe it's because many of the members my immediate family have passed away or have moved away. It's hard to get excited about cooking or shopping or even crafting when there is so much to do and you have to do it all by yourself. At times like this it helps me to go to Ben Franklin Crafts and see all the beautiful displays. This year the Hilo store crew really outdid themselves with the decorating. I love just going there and staring at the Christmas trees. Since we don't have a tree festival here, I think children especially would love visiting the store to see the magic that has been created by our elves. After a visual pick me up (and some shopping, LOL) I feel refreshed so I will now get lost in my craft room until someone shouts, "What's for dinner mom?"

1 comment:

  1. We're coming over for dinner too!! LOL... i hope you feel better girl... some shopping always cheers me up... i love going to BFC to see the trees... we too don't have a tree festival... so BFC and Macy's is the place to go... =D have a good evening Lynn! hugs, Kris
