Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Tag/Card for Cookies

BLOG CANDY ALERT! Check out the March 31st post to see how you can win a $50 gift card. Besides trying to finish more Easter projects, I've been testing recipes again. This healthy (lots of good fiber and low in sugar) version of sesame cookies turned out to be very tasty so I wanted to let my neighbors sample it. Rather than make a regular card I decided to make a mini-card tag using the Sizzix scallop tag die. First I cut two tags and cut a portion off one of them. I formed a pocket by taping three sides of the cut tag and adhering it to the full tag. Next I punched out a white cardstock 3" circle and a 3-1/2" lavender scalloped circle. After stamping and coloring the TAJ stamp, I taped the circles together. I wrote my message on the back of the circle card and slipped it into the pocket. To add more interest to the tag, I added a die cut Spellbinder label onto which I stamped the word 'Enjoy'. I finished off the tag by gluing a Prima flower onto the ribbon that I used to tie the tag to the bag. Without much effort I made this tag/card, which decorated the cookie bag as well contained a hidden message to the recipients. Don't forget.....tomorrow I will announce the winner of my blog contest. Let's hope it's YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute Lynn! I love this scalloped tag. I don't have this one but now I guess I need to get one. LOL! Happy Easter!
