Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank you card from Jan

Whew, we just flew in from D.C. and boy are my arms tired....sick joke. Anyway, sorry for not commenting on more blogs but a laptop in a hotel is not like a computer at home. I tried to keep up with most of your delightful blog posts. Before leaving on my trip, I did receive this beautiful thank you card from Jan for the blog candy she won in our last contest. I admire her color choices and the extremely neat crafting job on the card. Thank you for the 'thank you' card, Jan. I really appreciate it when I get a handmade card. Oh, one more thing, I finally posted the instructions for the rose gold necklace on our website (http://www.bfcraftclub.com/) . It's so easy to make this necklace that you can definitely finish one before Mother's Day.

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