Wednesday, November 10, 2010

And the Winners Are..............

Wait! Was there a contest? Well, yes and no. No , there wasn't an official contest but yes, there was a secret contest going on all year. As usual at this time of the year I start thinking about all the things for which I am grateful. I thought about how thankful I am for all of you who take the time to read and comment on my blog and decided to make a contest for you. I went over all the past year's comments and counted each one to determine who were the most helpful by giving me feedback. Okay, enough already....... who won? Cheryl (Life is Sweet) is the big winner. I will be contacting you, Cheryl for a mailing address so I can send you a Ben Franklin Crafts gift card and some craft goodies. Three other winning blog visitors who left lots of terrific comments are Kris (K-Lusive Kreations), Janis Kamimura (Creative Expressions), and Shirley N. (Stamping for the Fun of It). I will write you a blog comment to obtain your mailing name and address so I can get prizes to you too. Thank you to everyone who took the time to visit my blog. I am very thankful for your interest and hope that I've given you something interesting to read in return.


  1. Wow Lynn!!! What an awesome way to do your "secret" contest!! Big Congrats to Cheryl!! and to the rest of the winners too! I do enjoy your blog, remember, you're the one the gave me a push to share my creations as well!! Thank you for supporting my blog and keep up the awesome inspirations!! Hugs! Kris

  2. Here I am reading along and thinking what a nice thing for you to do and then as I continue reading...omgosh, what? Aren't you the sweetest Lynn! I'm just glad I found your blog as I learn so much from you! Thank you for all the inspiration!

  3. Wow! We won something? Thank you! Thank you! I just enjoy keeping up to date and reading, as Shirley said. Hugs, Janis

  4. Omg Lynn!!! I'm so surprised and still in shock that I won your secret contest. Of course I had no idea you were doing this. Lol! I truly enjoy reading your blog because you share so many different types of crafts and cooking ideas and of course your jewelry making. Thank you so much and also congrats to all the other winners too!!!

  5. Santa came early, I can't believe what he brought! Thank you sooooo much Lynn, your generousity is overwhelming!!!

  6. Congratulations to these fun..
