Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Smiles

Are you wearing your after Thanksgiving smile? Satisfied? Glad all the cooking and cleaning are done? Caught up with all the family news? Okay then, get a good night's sleep and prepare for the best shopping day of the year! In a few hours the Early Bird specials at Ben Franklin Crafts will begin. Not only is there a 40% off coupon for one item (make it a big one), there are unbelievable savings on Sizzix dies and Martha Stewart Christmas punches. They're 35% off!!! Don't forget to go to the Annual Christmas Craft Fair at the stadium in Hilo tomorrow and Saturday. It's sponsored by Ben Franklin Crafts and sure to be a big one with a sell-out of booths.....71 vendors! If you still have energy for shopping Friday night, you can go back to Ben Franklin Crafts to use the late bird 40% off coupon and purchase all the other sale items.
As usual, I feel grateful this year for the health of my family and friends. I am glad that life has given me connections with so many kind-hearted people and that these relationships continue to grow stronger. Recently, through the marvelous beauty of blogland I met a new friend Shirley N. ( She is one of the thoughtful readers of my blog who recently sent me a lovely thank you gift. It was a surprise and a joy especially because it was accompanied by a handmade card. Shirley is really a talented card artist and I am so honored to have one of her creations. (See the photo of her card and the sweet gifts she sent.) Thank you Shirley for being so generous. Thank you also to all of you in blogland who support my blog and so thoughtfully take the time to send me a comment. I appreciate each and every one of you!


  1. i hope that you had a great thanksgiving! shirley is definitely a sweetheart and makes amazing cards!

  2. How sweet of you Lynn! I just got back from vacation and was checking out all that I've missed when I saw this. I'm so lucky to have met you through blogland too! Thank you!
