Monday, January 10, 2011

Blog Award from Cami

Imagine my surprise when Cami (Capture a Heart) sent me this blog award. This is the first award I've received for my blog, so naturally I am very honored. I am supposed to tell you eight things about myself and then pass the award on to eight other bloggers who have sites that I enjoy. I know that most of you don't know much about me because haven't dressed up my blog at all or even submitted a profile. I'm not sure that many of you are really interested, but here are eight facts about me:

1) I was the editor of the Ben Franklin Crafts Club Newsletter but changed to the writer of this blog when publishing and mailing costs became too high.

2) I have two grown sons (one working, one in college) so now I have more time to craft!

3) My college diploma says I have a degree in fine arts (ceramics) but I haven't made a pot in years.

4) I love shopping, especially for craft supplies. (You didn't know that did you?)

5) My husband supports (financially) my craft addiction and is an enabler who built shelves all over my craftroom when I couldn't fit anymore Iris rolling bins.

6) Rose pink and sage green are my favorite colors but I do love lavender, aqua and apricot too.

7) I've collected rubber stamps for more than half my life (no, I'm not telling you how many years) long that some of the stamps have melted or crumbled from old age.

8) Papercrafting, jewelry making and antique collecting are my favorite hobbies....can shopping be a hobby?

The following eight crafters (in no particular order) have sites that I read often both for their content and the fact that they update often. I hope they will accept this award and pass it on to someone deserving. I'll understand if you don't have the time to do the 'chain letter' part of the award because you are all busy people but please accept the award anyway. You deserve it for writing a great blog and inspiring all of your blogland readers.


  1. Hi Lynn! I want you to know that I really enjoy your blog and you always "feature" new items at BF; you're such an enabler. I also learned alot about you and share some common interests. You've given me (and other readers) great ideas from your crafting experiences! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Cami

  2. Awww, THANKS Lynn!!! Thank you for the beautiful card too!! =D Hugs to you and i'll definitely pass this on!!

  3. Thanks so much Lynn, I'm honored to get this from you and I'm so glad to have met you through blogland!
