Friday, October 7, 2011

Autumn Necklace

Autumn is my favorite color season. I love the warm colors and reflecting on the year's accomplishments. I started making a necklace for an autumn gift but it wasn't turning out right. Since I had all the beads out, I made myself something new to make an old blouse look new. (Click on the photo to see the details.) I was pleased with the outcome, but now I still need to make something special that will suit the person to whom I intended to give the necklace. I've decided that a delicate glass bead necklace will match her best. I'll show you what I create for her in an upcoming post. Happy Autumn!


  1. That's gorgeous! i love the colors... i love autumn too... i LOVE the earth tone colors!! =D Have a great weekend!

  2. I really love these colors... it goes well with all he neutral clothes I wear. You create beautiful jewelry.

  3. Lynn -
    What pretty Autumn colors, I have a blouse that would match so perfectly with that...(he,he)

  4. Lynn, so pretty. Loving the earth and autumn tones. Matches just about any attire.
