Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Golden Week in Japan

Oh, it is so good to be back in Hilo after two weeks in Japan during the Golden Week Celebration.  Normally Japan is crowded but during this holiday time the tourist attractions seemed even more packed with families on vacation,  We had a great time anyway....eating and shopping our way through Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima, Miyajima and Kyoto.  Yup, it was a hard-on-your-feet trip and makes me understand more why Japanese are, in general, very thin.  At the start of our trip, we did a quick look at the Japan Hobby and Craft Show where surprise, surprise, we saw Joy (Joy of Crafting) who was busy doing demos/classes.  Checking out our favorite craft stores, we discovered sweet dessert decorations and resin jewelry are still very popular.  I really hope we can get these crafts in our Ben Franklin Stores.  As I unpack and catch up with blog reading, I'll leave you with a few photos from our trip.  My husband took most of them with help from my critical viewpoint. LOL!

Joy at the Japan Hobby Show

      Imperial Palace in Tokyo

Deer invading shop in Miyajima

                                                      Hiroshima A-Bomb Dome

                                                Gold-leaf Kinkakuji in Kyoto


  1. aww how fun...I bet your feet where tired but i am sure it was so worth it...looks like you enjoyed yourself and seen some great things...Thanks for sharing with us...

  2. Hi Lynn!

    Yes, it was fun seeing you two at the Hooby Show! Can you believe all the people?! Over 120,000 for the three days!

    Love the other pictures you shared, too. Especially of the deer, reminds me of Nara.

    Welcome home!

  3. How exciting Lynn~ A precious memory to keep....Did you buy lots of washi paper too? That sure must of being interesting to bump into Joy there? Great pics!

  4. Beautiful pix, wow!!! And what a nice surprise to run into Joy. What are the chances of that?

  5. Hey, no wonder you've been quiet. How fun to run into Joy while in Japan! Love that deer photo. Looks like Wayne got pretty close to it huh?

  6. Sounds like you guys had an awesome time! I miss Japan! Thanks for the pics, reminds me of my days living there! Too funny you saw Joy! Hahahaha!
