Monday, July 2, 2012

Embroidered Tags

I tried the Martha Stewart paper embroidery kit to make the two tags in the photo.  I am pleased with the results and the quality of the kit materials.  In the photo you can see the parts of the kit including the colored thread, awl, punch mat, acrylic templates,and needle threader.  Although I have limited embroidery skills, I thought that for a first attempt at this new technique, the tags turned out  to be quite appealing. In future paper embroidery projects I think that I should use a stronger, less porous paper that can stand up to the push and pull of the large-eyed needle. Maybe I'll try sewing on a piece of interface material and then adhere it to the paper because interface material is very tough.  If you like to make cards or tags with a bit of colorful textured designs, this MS kit is something you should try.  A new craft technique is a good way to get out of a boring craft rut. Thanks for visiting!  Come back again....soon!


  1. Super cute tags... I can cross-stitch but not embroidery... LOL!

  2. aww I totally love fun to embroider on tags...i love the look...awesome creativity...

  3. Wow Lynn! I haven't seen that embroidery kit. It's been awhile since I've done any kind of embroidery. Wish I could see better. Lol!

  4. Ohhhh...this is just so COOL! You got me all curious about this technique, Lynn! I'm definitely gonna have to go and check this out to learn more!
