Saturday, January 26, 2013

Accordian Pop-Up Album

I bought the Sizzix die used for this pop-up album awhile ago but put it aside for holiday crafting.  While looking for a base for a photo card and perhaps family newsletter, I came upon the forgotten die.  It looked complicated so I hesitated, but it actually was a cinch to put together.  The hardest part was finding suitable cardstock.  Some of the Simplestories Sn@p 12x12 or 6x6 work well because they coordinate with each other and are not too busy so they will not distract from photos. After cutting, folding, taping and applying Sn@p stickers the simple album was done.  I haven't decided yet what photos to use but I think I will punch them into circles before gluing them onto the album.  I will probably add more sticker words and labels because the Sn@p set has so many in the packet that I'm sure I will find some to enhance/describe the photos. The really fun Sizzix die and Sn@p/Simplestories products were all purchased from Ben Franklin Crafts.  Go check them!


  1. This is fun card and cool design....
    Almost like a trifold card!
    TFS - hope your weekend is going awesome with all your new crafty items....

  2. wow that is too cool... I love the trifold and the patterns are fun too... Happy Weekend my friend..

  3. I bought that die, too, but haven't used it yet. Love your project, it's really sweet!

  4. I love this! Bought me that die at BF during the holidays and too, put it aside for later. Thanks for the reminder to use it! BTW, I've been looking to purchase the companion die, the Bigz Frame & bracket die for this but can't seem to find it you know if BF will be bringing it in?
