Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Healthier For You Chocolate Arare Cookies

Experimenting with new ways to add healthy ingredients to yummy desserts is a pastime of mine. Today I replaced the flour in the recipe with whole wheat graham flour and rice flour. Also to bring down the sugar content, Splenda Blend brown sugar was used. The result was a tasty somewhat healthy delicate cookie with the sweetness of dark chocolate and the saltiness of arare.

After making the cookies, I wanted to give one sample of the cookies to my friend and one to my neighbor.  Since I didn't have the time to create two cookie boxes, I used pre-made Wilton  cupcake boxes I purchased from Ben Franklin Crafts. They came folded flat in a set of three. Each box will hold about 7-8 cookies. Adding a Hello Kitty ribbon (also from BFC) and  HK purse pull completed the impromptu gifts.  Here is the recipe so you can  make these cookies for your family and friends:

1 cup butter (two sticks)
3/8 c. Splenda Blend brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup whole wheat or whole wheat graham flour
1/2 cup brown rice flour
3/4 cup chopped bittersweet chocolate
1-1/4 c. mini yakko or crushed arare

Mix the softened butter and sugar together.  Add the vanilla.  Blend in the flours. Then add the chocolate and arare.  Use a scoop and place a ball of dough on a parchment lined cookie sheet.  Flatten the balls of dough and bake them at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Cool the cookies on a rack and then pack them in an air tight container.


  1. YUMMY to my TUMMY... these look so good. Thanks for sharing the recipe.. I might just have to give them a try.. Love the packaging.. so cute with Hello Kitty..

  2. Oh my Lynn - yes your recipe sounds great for those health conscious ones. I've made them but with the regular ingredients...They are very scrumptious and great for snacking... hehe... Love the HK box great showcasing......

  3. Ohhh yummy. Those cookies sound very healthy and looks great in that gorgeous box. I gotta check out those boxes, love the dots. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  4. Oh my gosh! That looks so yummy! I want to be your neighbor. Ha!

  5. Goodness, Lynn...you are Martha Stewart, with all your crafting and cooking talents! Wow, I'm so impressed...those cookies look so yummy I can almost smell them from here. Very sweet how you wrapped them up so special for giving!
