Monday, April 1, 2013

New school vs Old school

Today while sending out yet another text, I contemplated how much communication has changed since I was young.  When I got to my craft room, I started looking at my vintage-look stamps and retro papers. This card was the result of my infusion or maybe confusion of past and present. It didn't resolve any of my questions about which is better (speed vs poetry) in life, but creating this card did somehow make me feel happy to have an expression for my queries. Have a lovely day and don't be afraid to take time to contemplate your life's experiences.

Supplies used from Ben Franklin Crafts:
Papers- 6x6 American Crafts pad
Stamps- Hero Arts, Clings number pattern and vintage woodblock set
Stickers- Cloud 9 Design (heart rain dots) and Snap Studio (typeset letters 8 sheets)
Wood Veneer people-Studio Calico


  1. Hi Lynn,
    You're so right. OMG, I remember the typewriter and carbon paper. Eeek, showing my age. LOL. I love technology though, instant communication and more.... like blogging. How fun! Love your retro card too. Have a nice and crafty week.

  2. you go girl with your texting.. i am so not into texting. I feel like i would rather hear someones voice. But your right technology is crazy advanced and it just keeps getting more and more advanced. I can't keep up.. hehe.. love your adorable card.

  3. Great card,Lynn! DO I remember the good 'ole days of typewriters and carbon papers, thermofax, and white out bottles LOL! At least we have enjoyed both the "old school" and new school...heck, kids don't even know what "drive-in movies" are all about! Yeah, I'm an old lady but I do love new technology! Instant communication. You've put it all together here in your card! Too cute, and so true!

  4. Hi Lynn!
    Oh, I remember those days too. I don't miss the sound of typewriters or pulling the paper out to white out the word you didn't want there. So many things now adays that are great with technology, but it's always nice to hear a voice instead of reading a message. Fantastic card blending both the old and new.
    When you get a chance stop by the Yumi and Fumi Handmade blog today. There's something waiting for you.
