Monday, December 23, 2013

Calendar Tins

Usually I start my post with a finished product, but today I wanted to show how you could start with a plain tin or empty candy tin and quickly turn it into a pretty, useful gift......a calendar tin!
First, I picked a printed paper and traced the tin (top and bottom). Double-sided paper looks great with one design on top and the coordinating side on the bottom.  Next I cut and ran the pieces through a Xyron machine (from Ben Franklin Crafts) to apply a sticky backing. After adhering the pieces to the tin, a lace trim was added to the lid edge and ribbon was attached to the tin bottom with Merikan double stick tape.  A mini calendar (from Vippies) was off-set on the lid top and flowers were added.
Inside the tin I included some Post-It pads and a mini pen....a perfect fit!
I used basically the same procedure for decorating the candy tin (great recycling project for schools). The sentiment under glass is stamped on coordinating paper and cut to fit the glass (pieces from Ben Franklin Crafts).  The paper is then run through the Xyron machine so that the sentiment side gets the sticky adhesive. After the paper is attached to the glass it is further trimmed if necessary.  A sheet magnet (trimmed to fit) is attached to the back of the glass pebble with sentiment.
The magnets can be used to hold reminders.  Inside the tin you can pace a mini pen and paper strips cut from used computer paper.....great for a recycling project!
If you are on a tight budget, I think you will find this useful project money saving and appreciated by almost everyone. Most of the supplies for these calendar tins were purchased from House Mart Ben Franklin Crafts.  Thank you for stopping by today.  I hope you found this post interesting.  Please leave a comment if you can. It's so much fun to hear from you.


  1. ooh I really like this idea, they sure would make cute Valentine's gifts too.....
    Merry Christmas Lynn! Hope Santa brings you what you wanted on your wish list....

  2. Ho Lynn, you turned a plain tin into a fabulous gift. What a great idea. Love all the pretty details. Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Great idea!! I've got some of those tins around here someplace. Never thought of making them into calendars and putting post it notes in them. Thanks for sharing a great idea! Merry Christmas!!

  4. Very pretty. I like how the tins keep everything organized. Merry Christmas!

  5. So awesome! Love great gift ideas especially on a budget.
