Friday, March 14, 2014

Embellished Ready Made Cards

Sorry that I haven't commented on too many blogs recently because we were traveling again.  I did read and enjoyed what I saw.  Upon returning home I had many thank yous to send out to those who treated us well during our trip and to those who took care of things at home for us. To speed up the production of thank you cards but still make them a bit handmade, I sometimes begin with a store-bought card.....what????? Yes, I know this seems like cheating but sometimes there are boxed sets selling for less than blank cards and envelopes. I look for the boxes that contain cards that need just a little tweaking.
The examples shown required very little work....just some stamping and die cutting or gluing. The cats are from a Paper Smooches set as are the dies.
For my favorite embellished ready made card, I used a Sister Stamp and paper pieced her kimono.
When you are in a pinch for time, I hope you won't feel guilty about not crafting the entire thank you card.  I'm sure that the recipients will be happy to just get a thank you card instead of an email. I'm glad that you stopped by today to read my blog post.  I hope I was able to give you some crafting information and brighten your day. Please leave a comment; it will definitely brighten MY day.  :)


  1. Smart idea! These turned out great!

  2. I like your suggestions! Your ideas are great because sometimes we don't always have a lot of time to spend making a card. To me they are still considered hand-made and I appreciate all hand-made cards.

  3. always so creative with fun ideas... love these..

  4. oh, i like your idea! and there are lots of cute already made cards out there. i love what you've created with just a bit of tweaking!

  5. These are so sweet!
    I agree. Sometimes the premade cards are so much cheaper. Add some personal touches and you are goood to go!

  6. Oh no the secret is out! hahaha! I love those boxed pre-made cards. I occasional stop and pick some up when they go on sale. I especially use them during Christmas. So convenient to just "tweak" it. Love all of your cards!!
    Hope you had a fun trip. BTW, I received my package and LOVE everything in it. You are too generous. Mahalo!

  7. Great idea! And love the results... kind of like a "hybrid", right! Okay, now I'm gonna have to keep a look out for these types of cards to dress up too... they will definitely come in handy when I need a quick card in a pinch!
