Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Baking Experiment : Pineapple Banana Bread

It must be the scientist in me (loved my 1st Chemistry Set and microscope), so I can't help tweaking recipes even when they are already great. Once again I took my mom's banana bread recipe (think I posted it before but write to me if you want it) and altered it.  Usually, I just substitute the sugar with Splenda Blend and add nuts/bittersweet chocolate but I found some dried pineapple rings in my refrigerator (where dried fruit stays good....indefinitely?) so I thought, "Why not?".  First I soaked the dried chopped pineapple in some warm water for a few minutes so it would be moister. After mixing the batter I added in the pineapple and popped it into a cold oven before turning up the heat.  Notice the pretty silicon mini loaf pans (from Japan but seen in kitchen shops); they work really well (no oiling necessary) and clean up is a breeze.

Here is a look at the yummy result of my 'experiment'.  It has a nice sweet, tart taste and might be nice with macadamia nuts sprinkled on top for even more 'local' taste.  How about soaking the pineapple in rum first to give it a Banana Foster flavor? Ah, next experiment.........


  1. You are so multi-talented. Your Pineapple Banana Bread looks so moist and yummy. Making me hungry.

  2. Yummy, love making them...
    I've never had it with pineapple, but tried it with banana/chocolate chips, banana/Mandarin oranges(yummy),banana/raisin/macnuts(delish) and banana/fruit cocktail.. Be sure the can fruits are drained completely though....

  3. Okay. I already love banana bread. Bet it's even nicer with the pineapple! Yum!

  4. Can I use canned or fresh pineapple

  5. Is Canned pineapple or fresh an option
    also pls re post the banana bread receipe I would like to see what yours looks like....and mac nuts a great add

  6. Would like to have your banana bread recipe with the dried pineapple slices!

  7. I would like your banana bread recipe, too, please!
