Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Shaved Ice Tags and Contest Winner!

When I make cards I usually stamp two or three of each image I plan to use.  Almost always there are a few coloring mistakes or images that are not 'perfect'(actually no images are truly perfect.....right?perfectionist?).  Anyway, rather than throwing away the 'extras' I either pop them into the stamp packaging for later use or if I have extra card stock I fashion them into tags.  For these tags I used a Paper Smooches tag die (from the set that is called quotable tag) and punched a hanging hole.  I particularly love the Heiko rainbow ribbon I found because it matches so well with the shaved ice.  I added the 'Thinking of You' banner (had extras) to balance off the tag design and because that keeps the tag usable for tying on to any small gift. Making tags is a good way to use up the 'extras' but also can be a good way to practice (and test out stuff like glue and glitter) before actually making a card. I am happy to have two more tags to add to my stash and to have used up the 'extras' so they didn't become more additions to my scrap need for that....right?
Yes, NIki Garcia is the detective who figured out that the photos in the previous post were taken at Cape Cod and the reason we were there was to go clamming.  These are the kinds of clams we were able to dig up.  The skinny ones are called razor clams and despite their appearance are really delicious.  There is a reason they are called razor clams; they can easily cut you as they try to escape your grasp.  They are REALLY fast!  Thank you to everyone who played my little guessing game.  Keep reading this blog for future contests; you might be the next winner!


  1. Cute! Cute! Cute! Hehe, these tags are adorable and you totally hit it on the head when you said they make great use of those scraps.
    Congrats to Niki for guessing. What a fun trip it must have been. Thanks for sharing that tip about those razor clams if I ever come across one I'll be extra careful! Mahalo for sharing!!

  2. Clamming.. well that makes since now.. heehee..great guess Niki..

    adorable tags..

  3. Thanks so much Lynn for the super prize pack! What an awesome surprise. I love your idea on coloring a bunch of images at once. Makes sense since all the colors are out! I hope to go clamming one day and hope I don't injure myself with the razor Mahalo again and praying for safety during the 2 hurricanes coming our way!

  4. wow, congrats to niki! cute tags too!

  5. How adorable are these tags!
