Sunday, May 31, 2015

Bangle Bracelets

I heaven't done much jewelry crafting recently so I decided to take a look in Hilo's HM Ben Franklin Crafts Bead Shoppe to see what cool supplies I could find. I really love wearing bangle bracelets so I excitedly purchased some inexpensive parts with no idea what I would create.  See bottom photo.  The bangles with the hooks and the one with the screw off bead ends screamed, "possibilities".  The rhinestone anchor (prettier in reality) caught my attention too.  By simply wire wrapping some beads onto the anchor, I totally personalized it.  This one matches lots of my clothes but recently I bought a few summer shirts with coastline themes so I might make a red,white and blue version next since the parts were so inexpensive.

 Here's what I did with the other bangle.  I had a bit of difficulty finding African glass beads with large enough holes but eventually I did.  I like the contrast of the metal against the ancient look of the African beads.  The ring beads came from a large pack of assorted silver colored beads that I also found at BFC.
Here's another view of the bracelet which shows the beads as they slide around the bangle.  I enjoy wearing jewelry that have moving parts to fidget with.....LOL!
These are just a few of the items which you can purchase to make your own bangle bracelets.  I think that I will do some UV resin decorating on the heart charm and the tree one.  If successful, I will post the results.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Crafty smiles and hugs to you!


  1. You did a fabulous job on these bracelets. I love the earth tones, matching everything. I'm sure your resin ones will look great too. Can't wait to see them.

  2. your so full of crafty talent.. these are gorgeous.. Will look amazing on..

  3. These are really lovely! I love accessories!

  4. Oh wow, these bracelets are gorgeous. I just LOVE how the anchor one turned out. I started missing making jewelry. Maybe it's time I bring out those long forgotten craft supplies ...
    Have a great day!

  5. I've never given this kind of jewelry making a try, I think it's better left to the professionals like you. :) These are beautiful. Both have their own unique charm (no pun intended hehe) and I bet the bottom one makes a lovely sound as the beads swish to and fro. Very nice!

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