Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Chocolate Apricot Scones and a Craft Club Winner, Leanne!

I made these whole wheat Splenda Blend Chocolate Apricot scones again this week to use up the extra buttermilk I had.  They were delicious and normally I would print out the recipe, but I think that I already posted it awhile ago.  If you missed it and want the recipe, leave a comment and I'll reprint it.

This post is really to announce the winner of my every-once-in-awhile BFC gift card giveaway.  From the comments left on a certain month (June this time) I chose a winner for a $25 HM Ben Franklin Crafts gift card.  If you left more than one comment in the month, your name was submitted that many times.  The lucky winner of the gift card (and other crafty goodies) is........Leanne Poe who writes a blog called, 'Finding My Groove'. Congrats Leanne!...Please send me an email with your mailing address so I can send the prize to you. (lsakami@aol.com) 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynn!!
    Oh what a very nice surprise! Thank you so much! I do not deserve this wonderful surprise. I have been very bad with visiting you and I apologize. Thank you for choosing me and I'll be sure to send you my info and of course to catching up on all the crafty inspiration I have missed out on.

    Scones are my favorite!! Especially when chocolate chips are involved! These look onolicious! Have a wonderful Aloha Friday and don't be surprised if your inbox is exploding with messages from me. :D
