Saturday, November 7, 2015

Autumn Leaf Necklace

Years ago I purchased a bunch of leaf pendants from Fire Mountain Gems.  I think they are real electroplated leaves because each one is different.  I wasn't inspired because they were rather flat in color so I put them aside for years.  Because they were in my autumn box of stuff, they emerged again and this year I had an idea.  I decided to rub on some Viva Inka Gold paint to the front of the leaf.  It added just the right touch of autumnal color to match with the yarns I thought would work together to make a soft fall necklace. I picked antiqued copper findings for the closure and glued the yarn tails into the part that had to be crimped to form the end.

I wish my photos gave you a better picture of the subtle colors that glow from this necklace, especially the leaf pendant.  I really love the way this piece captured the essence of autumn to me.

Whenever I see an interesting yarn I buy it and put it in my seasonal color groupings. This makes it easy to choose just the right yarn when the project takes shape.  In the front of this photo are two electroplated leaves. The one on the left is the one I added color to and the one on the right is the original color. I'm not sure if the electroplated leaves are available anymore, but you can probably find a suitable substitute is you hunt around.  Even though we don't really have a fall season, I think it is a beautiful time of the year.  This autumn necklace helps me to celebrate the glory of nature.


  1. WOW this is gorgeous.. awesome way to use that leaf pendant.. awesome designing your so creative

  2. Glad you finally got to use the leaf pendant. It turned out awesome.:)
    P/s: Love that you organize your supplies by season...pity I have only ONE season all year round!

  3. Holy cow Lynn, that is one heck of a beautiful necklace. You gave the leaf a whole new look.....awesome and totally "Fall." And to use an assortment of yarn rather than chain is gorgeous. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity. Have a fun and super crafty week.
