Saturday, December 19, 2015

Oh! Fudge!

To me nothing says Christmas like fudge and cookies so that's what I like to make and give to friends and family.  This year I tried a new recipe for Coffee Shop Fudge that I found online (  It was really easy because it was made in the microwave.  It was too soft in the beginning but after a few days it hardened up to a perfect consistency.
The taste is very rich but it doesn't have a strong coffee flavor so I may add more espresso powder the next time I make this fudge.  I like to line my containers with parchment paper to make it easy for the recipient to lift out the slab and slice.
I bought the container from Ben Franklin Crafts last year but I think this type is available at Celebrations (next to Mapunapuna BFC).  I love the click down side clamps.  The ribbon for the bow was discovered in a sale bin at HM Ben Franklin Crafts.  It makes me happy to know that after eating the fudge the container can be reused as a food container.  Just thinking about fudge makes me giddy....think I'll have a piece now!


  1. yummy fudge.. I tried to make it for the first time and well lets just say it went right in the trash.. yours looks so good.
