Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine Post It Holder

 Recently, I purchased a few clear vinyl checkbook covers from Market City HM Ben Franklin Crafts.  I was planning to make a Valentine checkbook cover for my son who treated us to an elegant  Italian dinner in Waikiki. However, I decided that few people use checks anymore.  Since he surely uses Post It notes, I re-purposed the checkbook cover to hold Post It notepads. With Penny Black stamps and double sided Valentine card stock it was easy to cut the paper to fit the holder, stamp and color a die cut (Little B) heart and add  a die cut 'cherish'(Paper Smooches). The red acrylic heart that I glued over the "i" doesn't show up well in the photo so perhaps I should have used a different color.

Here is what the inside of the Post It holder looks like.  I thought it would be nice to have a die cut 'thanks' (Hero Arts) on the inside and to write a thank you message on the first page of one of the note pads. I am quite proud of how I found a new use for the clear checkbook covers. Please visit this blog again to see another version of the same project. Hope you have a L-O-V-E-ly Valentine's Day!

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