Saturday, September 2, 2017

When Life Gives You Limes

You know the saying, "When life gives you lemons....make lemonade"?  Well, life gave me limes (only 4 this year from a new tree) so I made lime curd (also known as lime butter).  The limes aren't the prettiest, but the curd is deeeelish!  Anyway, to decorate the jars to give away I wanted to use cloth or paper that was greenish but I couldn't find just the right soft fabric.  I did find some neutral colored washi paper in my hoarder's stash, but it was badly foxed (reddish dots).  I decided that rather than throw out the handmade fibrous paper I would try to dye it. I first dampened the paper with water, crumpled it, and applied assorted dye inks and powders.  It worked!  I was very pleased with the color that matched with the Heiko raffia ribbon and successfully covered up the foxing.  My aging stash of washi paper will be definitely get the dye treatment so it doesn't go to waste. Please try recycling and upcycling..... I think you'll be pleased with what you can achieve.


  1. You are a fabulous cook and baker. Love how you upcycled your washi paper. So clever Lynn.

  2. You're a woman of many talents Lynn! The recipient of your delicious curd so beautifully wrapped is one lucky person.

  3. you are just full of ideas... thanks for sharing.
    I bet it taste yummy

  4. Lime curd sounds divine! Enjoy it! I love the way you decorated the jar. Thanks so much for your comment on my post at the Just for Fun blog. Have a great day!
