Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Floral Resin Soap Dispenser

While shopping at Daiso for more items to turn into  Da--I--So Clever projects, I came across some clear plastic soap dispensers that were just begging for decorations.  Since I am a big fan of LED resin (no mixing and 1 minute hardening) and had some beautiful dried flowers (from Japan but you can press your own under books), I thought, "Why not apply the dried flowers to the bottles with the resin?" It worked! (Click on the photo to see the details better.)  I put a few dabs of resin on one face of the dispenser and arranged the flowers until I was satisfied. Then I applied more resin to the top of the floral arrangement and spread it around with my fingers.  Next, I wiped off any smudges and excess resin with a damp paper towel.  The dispenser bottle was placed under the LED light which I held over the bottle for about a minute.  I continued decorating all four sides of the dispenser and Voila! ...a beautiful gift for a flower-loving friend.  This quick method of decorating can be applied to many surfaces and stickers, buttons, or other flat items can be easily and permanently adhered with the LED/UV resin.  I hope you will give LED resin art a try....you'll soon become addicted to this versatile craft! Happy shopping at HM Ben Franklin Crafts and Daiso!


  1. oh wow this is amazing.. love the floral design... you are becoming the resin expert.. love all the projects you create with it.
    Have a wonderful weekend Lynn.. hugs

  2. Wow! This is truly beautiful! I really need to make time to learn this super neat craft!

  3. Really i am very impressed from this blog. Very interesting information.

    Soap Dispenser
