Thursday, January 16, 2020

The 99 cents Quickie Birthday Card

 While passing the 99 cents card rack in HM Ben Franklin Crafts, I noticed a Sister Birthday card that reminded me that my sister has an upcoming birthday.  The graphics, colors and sentiment were appropriate for her but  the card was a bit generic.  To alleviate this problem, I first stamped one of my favorite Penny Black images on white marker paper with waterproof black ink. Then I colored and cut it out. The finished paper piece was adhere to the card with foam squares.  As you can see, the dog and leash were placed on the other side of the woman to better fit on the card.  I think my sister will like this card especially because of the little dog who reminds me of hers.  I hope this card has shown you that even if you don't have a lot of time and/or money, you can still craft a special card for that special person.  Check out the card rack at HM BFC and you might be inspired to create a one-of-a-kind card!


  1. I'm sure your sister will appreciate the personalization. LOVE the colours!

  2. Hello !
    I'm writting an article for the issue 57 of the french magazine called "Passion cartes créatives".
    The subject is bunnies.
    I wish to show your card within this article.
    (seen here :
    Would you agree with that ?
    If yes, could you please send me as soon as possible a high resolution photo of your creations ?
    Of course, your name or pen name if you want will appear next to the images, and the address of your blog will be in the address book.
    Thank you in advance for your quick answer, even if it is negative, so that I can get organized (I have to give my paper very soon).
    Best Regards, Elise AMANN
    PS : I also have to give for tomorrow an article about disguises (costumes, masks...), so if you have cards on this theme, I would be happy to share them with our readers. ;-)

  3. you can answer directly to elise.amann(at) please.

  4. Yes your sister liked the card.. I know first hand. A.
