Monday, May 25, 2020

Chocolate Cinnamon Swirl Bread

 This year for Easter, I decided not to make hot-crossed buns or even my biscotti bunnies.  I saw on a Martha Stewart site a recipe for Chocolate Cinnamon Bread and I thought it would be a good challenge.  I am very proud that I was able to successfully follow the recipe and obtain a tasty end product. 
The recipe was a bit complicated and probably not for a novice bread baker.  Considering that I had some very old yeast and gluten flour, it was an Easter miracle that it came out with a good texture and moist deliciousness.
Since I know that this recipe is a good one, next time I think I will make several loaves to share with others.  This virus quarantine gives lots of us time to try new things. I hope you'll look for the silver lining in the dark clouds and enjoy learning while waiting for the sun to shine again. Aloha to all!


  1. Yummy!Another one to add to your recipe book!
    I've been baking and cooking a ton too!

  2. Ooooh! Your master baking skills are impressive! Wish I could be motivated to bake too.
