Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Vintage Cameo Locket Necklace

Being home for an unknown length of time (due to the Corona virus) does have some benefits.  My husband has become stir crazy and started building shelving and organizing our clutter. Yay!  I have been shamed into a doing a little tidying up too.  On my barely visible side kitchen counter I discovered a myriad of items including the intricate curved metal piece that is holding the cameo.  Rather than tucking it away in a box of jewelry findings, I was inspired to create a vintage looking piece for myself.  Whenever I travel I try to peek into a few antique shops to pick up bits and pieces for my 'someday' creations.
Both the filigree part and the locket were found separately but somehow seemed perfect together.  The cameo (lady head carved out of shell) is set in a locket which is not a common find.  A gold filled bail and jump rings were used to combine the parts.
The gemstone chain was purchased at a trade show from a vendor who said it was made by hand in India. The bail was a lucky find from my ancient stash. I think I found it in a BFC sale basket of odds and ends.  As many of you know, I am a magpie (bird who collects shiny objects) and often gather pretty things for future use.  Making this necklace really made me happy because it closely resembled the finished piece I saw in my mind before I started(a rare occurrence) and kept me from dwelling on the local happenings with all the quarantines.  No worries; just craft and smile.


  1. Wunderschöne Kette, so eine Kette hatte meine Mutter auch.Da kommen Erinnerungen an unseren Urlaub im Hotel direkt am Kalterer See hoch.Vielen Dank für deinen tollen Artikel.Lg Hedwig

  2. wow that piece of jewelry is art gallery quality. Sure miss going to art galleries and museums. Wish we could just go window shopping.
