Monday, January 18, 2021

Fairy Mini Calendars

Here is another version of mini calendars for this year.  As in previous years I made this type to fold and mail easily.
I started with a marbled card stock and used various stamps to decorate the front. The stars were stamped and dusted with silver embossing powder before heating.
On the back I stamped fairies, dandelions and a favorite quote.  Silver Liquitex paint was flicked on the surface.
Here's a look at the inner construction of the calendar stand.  The front and back are 3-1/2" squares and the width of the pleats are 3/4" so you will need a 3-1/2" x 9-1/4" piece of card stock for each calendar stand.  
The fairy stamps and other images came from a Hero Arts monthly pack and a stamp set that came free in a magazine.  The wooden handled stamp saying is another great Penny Black stamp.  I plan to make more calendars similar to this one (gotta use up all the calendars I bought heeheehee!)  Please visit often to see what new versions I create. Thanks!

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