Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Prize-winning Ribbon Xmas Tags

As a joke of sorts I decided to make these tags to hang on my Xmas baked goods given to friends and family.  I like baking but I'm not delusional enough to think I could win a baking prize ribbon.  These ribbon tags were easy to construct.  First I die cut two circles for each tag, one from printed card stock and another from plain white card stock.  Next the red lace was glued to the back rim of the front circle and the trimmed ribbon was glued on the bottom back.  Finally, candy cane twine was added in before the back circle was glued on and the Martha Stewart Xmas cupcake or gingerbread stickers were applied.
The plain white back of these tags allows for a message/recipient's name and/or the name of the baked gift item.  I hope that you will have fun making prize-winning tags like these.  They will make your baked goods even yummier!  Enjoy Xmas crafting and baking!


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