Thursday, April 15, 2021

S'more Banana Pumpkin Muffins....please!

 What do you make when you have only two overripe bananas, some leftover canned pumpkin, mini marshmallows in the freezer, a chocolate bar, and a box of graham crackers? Of course, I concocted a new recipe, ' S'more Banana Pumpkin Muffins.  Basically, I started with my Mom's much-loved banana bread recipe and dumped in the other ingredients.  It turned out fantastic!  Give it a try....enjoy!

                                                        S'more Banana Pumpkin Muffins

1 cup sugar

1/2 butter

2 eggs

2 over ripe bananas

1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree

2 cups white whole wheat flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup crushed graham crackers

1 cup chopped chocolate bar

1 cup mini marshmallows

Mix together sugar and butter. Add in the two eggs and mashed fruit.  Stir in the flour and then the baking soda, and salt.  Finally add 3/4 cup of the crackers, 3/4 cup of the chocolate, and 3/4 cup of the marshmallows.  Spoon the mixed batter into paper lined muffin cups. This recipe will make about 16 muffins.  Press the leftover crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate pieces onto the top of the muffins and bake at 350 degrees (no need to preheat oven) for about 25 minutes (until a butter knife inserted into a baked muffin comes out clean).  Enjoy!