Friday, October 1, 2021

Bridal Shower Card

I assumed that my niece's bridal shower would be cancelled because of Covid, but surprisingly it was not.  Therefore, I had to hurriedly put together a card for the bride-to-be.  Looking through my stash of appropriate bridal stuff, I chose a few dimensional stickers and some decorative pieces.  I had to color enhance the card front with Photoshop so that you could see the details. (For some reason my photos are washed out...perhaps it was the time of day or the change of light bulbs.)
To fancy up the card I added an envelope liner using the Paper Accents tool I purchased at HM Ben Franklin Crafts. The package has four templates so other sized and shapes can be accommodated. Even though the papers from the Kaiser paper pack are not exactly the same on the card and envelope liner, I think they look good together.
Since I'm planning to give a gift card to the bride-to -be, I decided to create a pop-up element using the Lawn Fawn die.  I used more Kaiser Craft paper for the card holder and the inside liner. The card base was too rough for writing on so an inner liner was needed.  Although not easily seen, I rounded the liner corners using my trusty corner clipper tool so that they would match the scallop edge of the card holder.
Although barely visible, the envelope front was enhanced with some 'old' Martha Stewart embossed sticker strips.  I think they add extra elegance to the card as well as covering a small dot on the envelope.  (The stickers are so old they didn't stick well so I had to glue them on...LOL! This craft hoarder is not embarrassed.)
I thought you might like to see the pretty silver flecked card blank back which doesn't show much on the card front.  Choosing interesting elements for your cards can really elevate them and disguise the fact that you had to compose the card in a short time. Okay, I need to get cracking on some Halloween and Autumn projects.  Please visit again to see what I've created for the fall season. Hugs!


  1. Your quickie bridal shower card turned out beautifully! Intricate dimensional stickers and pretty papers are a win-win... and your matching lined envie really pulled everything together perfectly!
