Thursday, December 2, 2021

Upcycled Reindeer Xmas Gift Box

It was my goal to repurpose a shallow box (that once held Asian treats) into a gift box suitable for a small treasure or gift card.  I was very pleased that I was able to accomplish what I set out to do.  
Using only one 12x12 piece of Authentic card stock (from an old Xmas tablet), I was able to cover the top, and insides of the box.  The cute SPC (Sierra Pacific Crafts) felt reindeer was purchased in a pack of 5 from HM Ben Franklin Crafts.  The chipboard Xmas tree and holly are Echo Park products. 
On the inside of the box and on the top are vintage-looking card stock words from Authentic.  
I adhered plaid ribbon to the sides of the box top with double stick Heiko tape. Originally, I used glue but that showed through so tape is definitely the way to go.  The inside of the box top was red and black like the original box cover so it already looked somewhat Christmasy.  Covering with the matching card stock and adding the chip board holly really finished off the total look.  I plan to just tie a red ribbon around the box to give the gift and hopefully the recipient will think of using the box next year for gift giving.  This will really make it a recycled-recycled Xmas box and save even more trash from going into the landfill. Yay, for recycling! 



  1. You did a fantastic job covering the entire box, inside too, with festive design paper and holiday images. Beautiful!!!!

  2. Yay! This turned out so cute! :)

  3. oh my word this is adorable.. I love that Reindeer and how fun to Upcycle this box. great job
