Friday, April 22, 2022

Standing Mini Calendars

After finishing my supply of 2022 mini calendars, you didn't think I'd buy more did you? Wrong! Even though it is March, I just couldn't resist the 10 cent calendars at Taylored Expressions.  From one 12x12 sheet of printed card stock, three calendars can be constructed.  First, I divided the sheet into three 4" strips. Next I folded along the length of each strip at 4", 8", 9", and 10".  The end flap was taped into place and the calendars adhered with Heiko double stick tape.  For decoration, I simply added Pebbles stickers and die cut words purchased from HM Ben Franklin Crafts. I am very pleased at how simple and inexpensive these calendars were to make. Okay, time to write some birthday thank you notes and tuck these calendars in to surprise my sweet friends.


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