Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Elegant and Easy Wedding Cards (Part 2)

As with the last set of wedding cards, these are very hard to photograph...too shiny.  I found some highly textured fibrous paper in my stash  which I thought could benefit from the addition of the gold and silver flecked gossamer tissue that I used on the previous wedding cards.  I chose to adhere the tissue with decoupage glue rather than double stick tape because it didn't stick well to the fibrous paper.  The dry card fronts were adhered to shimmery card blanks with double stick tape.
For the Asian characters I used some very old wood handled rubber stamps by Stampendous and Mari&Me.  With clear Dazzle embossing ink, I heat embossed the stamped images with gold or silver embossing powder.  (The lower image looks like a silver on silver character but it is actually gold on silver.)

Here are the insides of the wedding cards. The words were also stamped and embossed. I am happy with the look of these cards.  I promise they look great IRL (in real life).  I have two more wedding cards to show you in (Part 3) of this series.  Please return to this blog site to see them. I will TRY to take better photos next time. 


1 comment:

  1. Loving that beautiful gossamer paper you used for these cards as well! The metallic embossing powders you used for the kanji characters and sentiments on the pearlized papers look wonderful! Loving the soft but elegant look of these wedding cards!
