Friday, March 24, 2023

Chocolate Rabbit Easter Card

When I think back to my childhood memories of Easter, chocolate rabbits are a major part...(still are..LOL!). One chocolate rabbit story will never be forgotten. I'm not sure why but on a very long car ride to a far away beach house, I put my precious (just received) chocolate rabbit on the ledge of the back seat. Of course you can guess what happened...why didn't my parents predict the outcome?  Not only did the candy treat melt, the car ants ( I guess we had a colony) got to it too!  Well, I was only five and my eight year old sister did the same thing....two geniuses!  This card is a tribute to that never eaten chocolate rabbit.  I started by die cutting the rabbit from brown card stock and the bow from lavender card stock.  These were glued together and covered with Glossy Accents to make them look like a chocolate treat.  By putting the paper sweet into a small cellophane bag and tying it off with shimmery Heiko ribbon, I was able to make a 'forever' chocolate rabbit to adhere to the card.  The background paper was cut from a 12x12 Echo Park Easter cardstock. I am happy with this whimsical Easter card which brings back 'sweet/sad' memories.  I guess the melted chocolate rabbit  was a science lesson of sorts. Hahaha!


1 comment:

  1. Enjoying scrolling backwards on your blog to see that you were busy creating so many fun Spring/Easter themed projects! Especially enjoyed reading your story of the chocolate bunny from childhood and love that your re-created oaoer version is so realistic and adorable!
