Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Lucky Birthday Card

I know that this is an unusual birthday card, but it is for someone (my husband)who is very lucky and skilled at game machines, the kind with a grab claw.  I guess you might say that winning prizes from claw machines is his 'super power'.  LOL!  It was easy to construct this shaker card because the window is a simple rectangle.  I just cut out the opening and glued a piece of acetate behind it.  Next I placed two layers of foam tape (HM BFC has some in the picture framing area) all around and behind the opening to form a well for the confetti. (Two layers of tape will make the confetti well deep enough to allow the confetti to move.) I removed the sticker paper from all the tapes except the ones above the machine so that the confetti could be filled into the machine.  Once the front with the game machine image is adhered to the blue card blank, the confetti can be loaded and the upper strips of tape can be removed and the shaker completed.

I had planned to use some 'happy birthday' word confetti but they are lost somewhere in the mess I call my craft room. I did find some party hat, star and balloon confetti so I used them instead.  Oh yes, I ended up adding a 'Happy Birthday' gold sticker to the inside of the machine because I wanted the card to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY somewhere on the front of the card.  I colored in the machine image with Copic pens and added the silver l-u-c-k-y letters .  The silver letters were not my first choice but other cardboard letters were the wrong color or size.  In the end though, I am happy with the finished result and I think the card will make my husband smile.  Secretly, I think he is proud of all the winnings he's had and I am delighted with my collection of prizes on display in my room.  I guess 'lucky' would be a good name for me too!


1 comment:

  1. Super cute and clever little birthday card for hubby. Not sure which I enjoyed more... your fun and sparkly claw game window shaker card or the corresponding fun story that went with it. I guess for me, your husband is living proof that people actually do win stuff from those claw machines. Your card should have been titled "SKILLFUL" instead of "LUCKY"!
