Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Japan Hobby Show ...part 2

Although I was sick for most of the Japan Hobby Show,  I pushed myself to see what I could for two days.  (I didn't travel all the way to Japan just to lie in a hotel bed with tissues and cold medications!)  I was pleased that this year the show was more upbeat than it was after the years following the Covid epidemic.  The types of crafts were varied but as usual the quality of the Japanese handicrafts was A+.  Here in the U.S. we generally want quick gratification but the Japanese crafters don't seem to mind spending months finishing just one piece.  The following are photos of various booths which impressed me.  I hope if you are a crafter, that you will one day journey to Japan and see the Japan Hobby Show.  You'll love it!

This is the company that makes Hearty Clay and UV LED resin that are sold at HM Ben Franklin Crafts.

I really liked this booth which had the products for making realistic looking candies and other sweets.

I touched the yummy looking items and really wanted to taste them even though they were made of clay.  The booth workers were not ready to sell their products yet so I just had to LOOK and salivate.

Don't these fake chocolate treats look real? I really hope the buyers for our HM BFC stores pick up this line of products.  I wonder if seeing but not being able to eat chocolates is a helpful diet trick. 

This photo doesn't show the beauty of these polymer clay jewelry pieces. I know that polymer clay is nothing new but the soft sheen and delicate metallic touches make these so amazing. I purchased some of the raw materials for sale and hopefully I can make some jewelry like the ones I admired.
These amazing art pieces are made from paper....unbelievable!  As you can see, Japan craft artists are very creative and work hard to make unique craft items.  There were also dozens of booths showcasing gorgeous fabric and yarn crafts but I unfortunately didn't photograph them.  Even through the coughing and nose-blowing, I saw and was impressed by all the high quality craft work.  Hopefully, next year I will attend the Japan Hobby Show again and not have a cold. I am looking forward to seeing what Japanese craft products will be appearing in our stores. You should check them out too to get a taste of the Japanese style of crafting.

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