Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Shaker Children's Birthday Cards

 All the traveling I've been doing recently caused me to forget about creating two birthday cards for two sweet boys.  I decided I needed to keep the cards simple since time was short before the boys' birthdays.  I opted to make full front confetti shaker cards because they would amuse the children but be super easy to complete.

I started by choosing two birthday background printed card stock and cutting them to be slightly smaller than a blank card.  Next, I fit the cut card stock into a Heiko clear resealable bag (available at HM Ben Franklin Crafts) and added some balloon and star confetti before taping up the bag tightly around the printed card stock and confetti.

This whole sealed bag was adhered to the card blank with double stick tape.

I had to think overnight to come up with an idea for a way to indicate the age of the birthday boy.  I finally looked through my stash of thick cardboard number and letter stickers. Happily, I found just what I needed.  I think the final outcome was just right. Sometimes, it helps to sleep overnight on a problem.  I am super pleased that I was able to easily and quickly create two birthday cards for boys who are different but undeniably special!

1 comment:

  1. Your birthday shaker cards turned out looking SO CUTE! I have yet to try this technique for shaker cards; I love how easy it sounds to make, definitely need to try this real soon. The background Doodlebug paper really makes this cards look extra special!
