Thursday, September 12, 2024

Gift Bag with Heart Shaped Confetti Window

After making several shaker window cards, I decided it might be fun to make a confetti shaker window gift bag.  The hardest part of this bag was die cutting the heart in the bag without cutting through the bag's back.  The Spellbinders heart die set has several sizes of hearts so it was easy to find a size perfect for the bag. I positioned the die on the front of the bag and washi taped it in place.  Inside the bag, behind the die on the front, I lightly taped a piece of card stock.  I ran the bag through my Big Shot machine to cut out the heart window.  I had to add several pieces of card stock between the cutting plates to cut only through the bag and card stock behind the front.  I also put an extra piece of card stock inside the bag to protect the back of the bag.  Next I filled a small Heiko cello bag with heart confetti (so many to choose from at HM BFC) and adhered it between the bag front window and the heart window behind.  I made the mistake of taping the confetti bag where it was visible inside the bag so I had to cover it up with another piece of card stock..LOL!  At least it doesn't show the messy taping.  Finally a pretty floral print bow added a sweet touch to a unique gift bag.  I can see more confetti gift bags in my future! P.S. An added bonus is that the recipient (hopefully a crafter) can take apart the confetti bag and use the confetti on HER craft projects.  No Wasting! Recycle and Reuse! 


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