Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Idea for your Paper Crimper

I love it when I discover a new use for a tool I already have. This may not be a new idea to some of you clever crafters out there, but I discovered it accidentally. I saw a new product, crinkled beading wire for jewelry makers, and I thought it was cool. Then I had a light bulb moment and decided that I could make it with a paper crimper and plated beading wire. Use one hand to guide the wire straight into the crimping tool and turn the crank with your other hand. The photo shows what I made with the crimped beading wire. Instructions for the project will appear in the online newsletter section of our craft club website ( by next week, hopefully.
Tomorrow I will try to get to the demo at Ben Franklin Crafts in Hilo. I'm hoping to see what Cheryl Miyashiro (Hero Arts and Sizzix) will be demonstrating. I love her work and her blog, 'Life is Sweet'. I am still trying to figure out how to link you to my favorite blog sites so you can have fun reading and learning from them too.

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