Friday, April 17, 2009

Quick B-day card

Thanks Cheryl for the positive comment about my last cupcake card. I'm still punching out cupcakes. I sort and store the extra punched pieces in mini-ziplocs for times when I need a quick card. I realized this morning that I needed a card for a nephew whose birthday is in a few days. The Changito monkey stamps by Stampendous are lively and amusing like my nephew so it was an easy stamp choice.

The cupcakes on this card were made like the ones on the last card except the paper cupcake liners were punched from printed paper scraps. Punching small shapes is an excellent way to use up all those too-good-to-waste little pieces of scrapbook paper. The card was colored with Martha Stewart marking pens. They are juicy so you should use a thick card blank or double layer your card. I also used MS glitter pens to add a bit of shine to the framed sign. I had to think hard about how to make the candles and finally decided on irridescent cording. I placed snippets of cording on a non-stick surface (silicon mat) and put dabs of orange Stickles on the tips of the cord pieces. It was difficult to make a not-too-girly birthday card. (I really wanted to use pink glitter for the frosting.) I hope my nephew is happy to have his day remembered and not repulsed by the cutesy monkeys.

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