I've been invited to a wedding shower and I think it's been about 30 years since I last went to one. I thought it might be amusing to see if I could use the shower invitation to make a wedding shower card. Here is the result. I removed the panel with the words and cut the front of the card to use for the background. The dress (Inkadinkado) and cake (Hero Arts) were stamped on marking pen paper and lightly colored in. Then they were mounted on foam stickies. A sparkly heart was pressed onto pink paper, glittered in and cut out to mount on the cake. Dress It Up wedding rings were glued on. For the final touch, rows of half pearls were attached to the frame of the card. The card of pearls was purchased in the Ben Franklin Crafts wedding section. They make placing the pearls super quick because it already has adhesive so you simply have to cut out a row and apply it in one long string. It was fun to try recycling the shower invitation into a shower card. Maybe it might be fun to try turning a birthday card into a thank you card....give it a try!
A homemade spread in Penang
Few people offer to make me a home-cooked meal...usually I'm the one doing
the cooking. But my Penang bestie invited me over for a homemade spread two ...
17 hours ago