I was inspired to make this bear pin tag by a new product that I discovered at the Mapunapuna HM Ben Franklin Crafts store. (It may be at the other BFC stores too.) The pipe cleaner like product (only thicker and fuzzier) from Japan was designed to be fashioned into cute little animals. The instructions for this new craft are available for free at the store. Although the instructions are in Japanese the illustrations are fairly easy to follow. One warning: The instructions are for both the bear and rabbit but that is not clear until you notice that the animals are in different colors.
I think the bear turned out pretty cute even though I forgot to get the eyes and nose so I substituted seed beads. The bear is holding a plastic candy conversation heart sticker that I found in my copious stash of Valentine 'stuff'. The cardboard Valentin stickers were also from my old stash but I'm sure you can find lots of Valentine worded items at HM Ben Franklin Crafts.

Besides the eyes, nose, and plastic candy heart I also glued a pin back onto the tiny, fuzzy bear. To attach the bear to the tag, I made a slit and pushed the pin back through. I am very pleased by the way the bear turned out and that there is enough fuzzy pipe cleaner product in the package to fashion two animals. The fuzzy ball edging on the tag was a serendipitous addition which added color and texture that matched will with the bear pin. I think you'll be very pleased with this new pipe cleaner product available at HM Ben Franklin. Because there are different colors and thicknesses you will be able to make a variety of animals. Go check it out and start a new craft hobby....so much fun!